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What is the importance of Advanced Care Directives?

The term "Advanced Care Directives" refers to the designation of treatment options and surrogate decision-makers, when a person should be unable to make medical decisions on their behalf.

Advanced Care Directives were developed as a result of widespread concerns over patients suffering from undesired medical treatment and procedures in an attempt to save lives at any cost.

In Advanced Care Directives, you can either write both:
• In the future, with a legally binding instructions about medical treatment, a directional instruction that you agree or deny
• A values directive that documents your values ​​and priorities for your medical treatment decision maker, who thinks of making a decision for you.

You must have the ability to make decisions to make Advanced Care Directives.

From a practical perspective, medical instructions and living desires allow a person to take care of medical care and circumstances when they are unable to make a decision temporarily or permanently or make decisions. By documenting personal desires and priorities, the burden of decision-making of family and physicians is greatly reduced. Also, patient autonomy and dignity are preserved by preparing medical care on the basis of someone's own choices, despite mental or physical ability.

Directive instructions are completed by the person with the ability to make decisions. They are effective only when a person loses their ability to make decisions (mentally disabled). While one person maintains the ability to make decisions, it is the final decision maker instead of a health care proxy or surrogate decision-maker.

Advanced Care Directives
Advanced Care Directives

Advanced Care Directives Facts:

Advanced Care Directives are designed to outline the wishes and priorities of a person in relation to medical treatment and intervention.

• When a patient is unable to make their medical decisions, a health care proxy can work on behalf of the patient to make a decision and may decide on the basis of the patient's stated desire.

• Advance care guidelines can vary from state to state.

• You may need help from your personal physician and an attorney to prepare a proper Advanced Care Directives form.

Advanced Care Directives are important documents that should be included with each individual's personal medical records.


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