Term Advance Care
Planning (ACP) is used to tell people, their families and carers to
interact and talk about their future desires and priorities.
Advance Care Planning is the key tool for helping people improve care of people
near the end of life and better planning and care provision, they help them
live well and die well in the way they are selected. It enables people to
discuss and record the wishes of their future health and care and to appoint
someone as advocates or surrogates, thus the probability of these desires is
known and respected at the end of life.
The main goal is to clarify the desires, needs and
priorities of the people and provide care to meet these needs.
Advance Care Planning:
• Think - about future - what is important to you, you are
unwell or do not want to be
• Talk to family and friends, and ask someone for your proxy
spokesperson or permanent powers of attorney if you cannot say for yourself now
• Record your thoughts as your Advance Care Planning, including your spokesperson and store it
• Discuss your plans with your doctor, nurse or caregivers,
and may include another discussion about refusing or refusing possible
• Share this information with those who need to know about
you through your health records or other means, and review it regularly.
Why do it? What are the benefits of Advance Care Planning?
• Enables more autonomy, choice and control - Respects the
person's human rights, enables a sense of control, self-determination and
• Improve the quality of the end of life care provided to
individuals and populations
• If they have been discussed, there is more agreement with
desires, for example more people die at their preferred location
• To guide people involved in unwanted or nonsensical
aggressive intervention, treatment or hospital admission, to provide
appropriate level of treatment.
• Economically effective in reducing costs
• Advanced active decision reduces burden on the family
later and relieves anxiety
• Enables better care planning, including provision by care
• More satisfaction, frustration and depression among
bereaved relatives
• The process can enable therapeutic and the resolution of
• Enables intensive discussion and consideration on
spiritual or existential issues, encourages
reflection and resilience and
realistic hope on meaning and priorities.
The Advance Care
Planning in all stages of life is applicable to all adults. The purpose of Advance Care Planning is to let people
live well, and when death comes, then die according to their individual values.
The Advance Care Planning applies
only when a person cannot make decisions and / or communicate with regard to
their health care. If advance care is done, then the patients whose capacity
are reduced or have the ability to communicate or both are capable of
continuing to say one in their medical care. It has been shown to improve the
end of life care, and to provide better results for both patients and their
surviving relatives.
While applying in all stages of life, it applies
specifically to decision-making at the end of life, because about 1 in 4 people
lose their ability to make decisions at the end of their life.
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